Monday, December 29, 2014


Hey Everyone!

As you can see, I have only posted three posts for my weekly plan so it hasn't worked out as I planned. BUT if you have been following me on my public Facebook page, you will notice that I have decided to come up with another plan that might work. That plan is doing song of the week every week (might not be the same day each week) and also I will try to do a TV show/movie a week but alternate each week. Not sure how that will work out as, for me, doing a TV show and movie seems to be harder for me to write about but we'll see how things work out.

Now for this post, I wanted to update you on what has been going on. The first part was to update you on my original weekly plan which the previous paragraph is about. Other updates include my education and writing careers.

I am currently on winter break. For the fall semester, I took six classes (Writing about Writing; Script Writing; Business & Professional Writing; Poetry; Worlds of History; and Infant and Toddlers in Diverse Settings). So far, I have received three grades (A in script writing, B in worlds of history, B- in Poetry) which I'm proud of as this was one of my toughest semesters. As of now, I will only have two semesters left which will leave me to be finished with my Undergraduate studies in the fall!

Currently, I am working on my first novel. I am 1 1/2 chapters away from completely finishing it. I have previously thought I finished it but throughout editing it, I decided to add two more chapters to bring more out of the novel. My goal is to finish the novel completely by this upcoming weekend then work on a query letter to send out to agents. We'll see how things go from there.

Well for now that is all I have to update for you. I mean, there is some more that I can update with you all but I'll let you know about more, later on. My next post on here would be possibly be a song of the week song but I won't know until I figure it out. Remember if you want to follow my writing career or anything of the sorts, you can follow me on any of the social networks on the right.

I hope you all had a great holiday and have a great New Year's!!

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3