Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Hey Everyone!

So every morning when I turn my laptop on, I go right on Facebook and Twitter. When I get on Twitter, the first thing I normally do is looking at what is trending (on the left side of the screen) and this morning I found that the #1 thing trending in the United States is #Twitter10k. Of course, I was curious at what it was about so I clicked it and when I found out what it was, I was shocked and upset.

What makes Twitter stand out against all the other social networks is the usage of the amount of characters that tweets are allowed: 140 characters. But with this #Twitter10k, it looks like Twitter is thinking about changing the amount form 140 to 10,000 characters. That's crazy!

140 characters = short, creativity, right to the point, etc.
10,000 characters = annoying essays

Can you imagine how long these tweets are going to get? We're going to start getting rants (which we do now but it's better in multiple tweets rather than one long tweet), essays about people's lives, we'll also get news reports (instead of links to news reports which will not help the journalists and news), etc.

There is going to be so much change and not for the better. It's going to ruin what Twitter is known for and a lot of people are no longer going to want to be on Twitter. I already see people saying that if this goes through, they're not going to be on that much longer. I agree. I don't know if I'll stick around if it's just essays and essays.

What tweeters (people who use Twitter) have been asking for is not extra characters but an edit button! Edit button would be more useful. There's always tweets that people want to change up their tweets because they accidentally wrote what they didn't want to but instead of editing, they have to delete the tweet and then rewrite another tweet. It's a hassle. Adding an edit button would be so much better than adding 10,000 characters.

I mean who comes up with these things? Do they not see what their customers are looking for? What the demand is? I sometimes don't get it.

When I clicked on the #Twitter10k trend and read through some of the tweets, I saw not one tweet that supports the possible new thing which really tells me, they didn't think it totally through and what tweeters want. 10,000 characters is just too much.

It won't help Twitter and it won't help the people who use Twitter. It may destroy different areas of news reporting because why would they need websites? If they can just post their reports on Twitter? (links are so much better because it works for Twitter and the news website). This will also bring more competition with Twitter because I guarantee you that once this changes happens, another social network will be set up and it'll have the limit characters usage that Twitter is thinking of getting rid of.

95% of the people don't want the 10k limit. So please Twitter, don't make this change. Listen to what people want. We want an edit button not extra characters. Rethink this, please.

Let me and Twitter know what you think about the possible new change by commenting below!

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3

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