I have learned many different things when it comes to writing and one of those things is there is definitely a difference between handwriting and typing.
You're probably wondering: really, what's the difference? It's both writing out words with punctuation (or without) using two different types of ways. But I'm going to tell you yes, they may sound similar but again, it's different and you can do both!
First, exactly what is handwriting and typing?
Handwriting is well, writing with your hand (mouth, foot, [in case the write is an amputee]) using a pen, pencil, etc.
Typing is using a keyboard whether it's on a computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.
Now, I have used both ways and I've learned that they're both special and useful in their own ways.
Handwriting may seem like it could take time and effort (and you may not have the best handwriting so you don't understand what you have writing down) but the pen or pencil has a lot of power in it.
Putting pen to paper, you feel the pen against the paper. And to me, I have felt (connection) more with the characters when I write them down using a pen. You (I) feel the emotion that characters feel or even just the words that are written down. It's like all the energy in your body is coming through the pen and the words just come out of you.
Typing is great as well. It's quicker. It may seem easier. Especially with today's technology where if you don't have a computer around you, all you have to do is grab your phone, open a writing app and then just type away. Your ideas are fluidly coming out quicker and it seems to be easier to type it out and not as "painful".
I've found it is easier to type than to hand-write, however, I do feel more connected with my writing when I'm handwriting it out but I type more often because to me, it's easier and more convenient (especially since I'm not carrying around a notebook all the time even thought I really should and did for my Senior Writing Seminar class).
But when it comes to time to starting out a novel or an idea, I sometimes write it out on paper first and then transfer it to the paper. So I'm using both ways which, to me, betters my idea and writing. So, I would suggest you to try that way as well and see how it works out for you.
For the next week, I would suggest all of my readers out there to try out both ways. Grab a notebook and write something that means something to you. And then write the same thing (without copying) by typing. Which one did you feel more connected with? Which one will you continue using?
So for all my fellow writers out there - what do you prefer to do? Handwriting or Typing? Both? If you enjoy doing both, how do you choose when to do each?
I also recommend this "Handing vs. Typing..." article for more information on the conversation about handwriting and typing.
Until Next Time
CGoerlich <3
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