Sunday, February 23, 2020

Thank You Criminal Minds

CREDIT: To whoever created the picture of all characters together.
I just edited it to include the "Thank You". 
Let me bring you back to a day in 2011 or 2012:

It was a Saturday night. It was about 11:30 p.m. and I was looking for something to watch. I noticed that Numb3rs was going to be on at 12:30 a.m. on CBS and it's been awhile since I've seen an episode so I wanted to watch it but there was a show on before it that I never wanted to watch (there are legit reasons why but don't need to get into it). 

So what did I do? I searched and searched and continued to search for something else to watch for that hour. But guess what? There was nothing else on. Nothing! So...I thought "Well..Here goes nothing." And turned CBS back on to watch the show that was on. What was it? You guessed it.

Criminal Minds

Now - you're probably wondering what are those legit reasons for not watching? Well, the main one was when I was younger, I used to have nightmares after watching CSI so I stopped watching that and thought Criminal Minds was similar so I never gave it a chance. 

But that night I did. And I remember my mom's reaction. She was on the computer and turned around when she heard one of the character's voices. I'm pretty sure it was Gideon (Mandy Patinkin). Then, she looked at me in disbelief that I actually was watching it. I was like - there's nothing else on! And she went back to face the computer. 

Do I remember what episode it was? No. But it was either Season 1 or 2 since Gideon was still in it. I don't remember much else about that night EXCEPT when my mom mentioned to me that Gideon's no longer in the show. And I, of course, was curious as to why and she explained how one of his final episodes ended (with the gun in his hand). BAD MOVE to tell me that because of course, I wanted to see it. I'm a curious person and she knows it. 

So what did I do? I ended up watching it the next night at 11:30 p.m. only to find out they didn't do the episodes in order from Saturday to Sunday. No...they go in order on Saturdays and in order on Sundays. So I ended up watching it again the following weekend. I wanted to see that episode. I wanted to see that scene. But guess what happened?

I got hooked. 

I ended up starting watching the show on Ion. I got connected to the characters. Gideon especially! (Thanks Mom) Then, I realized one day - Mandy Patinkin was one of my favorite characters from Princess Bride so that just made it worse. I went on and on watching it but hasn't showed up yet. So again, what did I do? Went on YouTube to find it. 

I thought watching it would have ended my new obsession. Right? Since I only kept watching it to see that scene. Nope. I was wrong. I kept watching. Because I still loved the other characters and I finally watched the whole episode. Still watched on Saturday and Sunday, as well as Numb3rs (which I'm still mad at CBS for ending). 

Then...I decided " I'm going to have to catch up." I believe at the time, Criminal Minds was in the middle of Season 7. But I was new to the show and I didn't want to just pick up watching new episodes on CBS without watching previous seasons. So...I asked my mom to buy me the first seven seasons on DVD. I told you...I got hooked.

And she did! So we spent that whole summer (I believe 2012, I could be wrong) watching the DVDs. Ended up watching about 6-7 episodes a day. And one day, my dad decided to watch with us so all three of us watched every day the episodes. 

One thing about joining the fandom late, however, is already knowing some of the cliffhangers (for an example - I knew Emily was still alive due to commercials I saw while watching other CBS crime dramas). But I still loved those episodes. 

And by the time the new season was starting, we finished all seven seasons and ready to watch the new season as it was on. But of course, since I already had the first seven seasons on DVD - I still asked for the new season for Christmas every year just so I can have them as a collection.

I always go back to that one Saturday night where I couldn't find anything to watch with a smile because that night brought be Criminal Minds and I now honestly can't think about what the last eight years would've been like without watching the show or falling in love with all the characters (even the new ones that came and went). 

It might have been one scene that I really wanted to see that made me continue watching BUT it was the actors, characters, chemistry, and stories that kept me watching until the very end. 

I wanted to write this as a Thank You to the producers, writers, directors, cast, and crews for putting together this great show and for putting the characters together. The chemistry between the characters never broke, even when new characters were introduced. Did I like all of them? No. Did I appreciate all of them? Yes.  

The characters felt real with all the ups and downs they each had to go through (deaths, breakups, new job opportunities, families, love, and so much more). And the actors & actresses brought those characters to life. I will miss them. I will miss the story lines. I will miss the laughter. I will miss the anger. I will miss the sadness. Overall, I will miss the show. 

I wish it didn't have to end. But like everything else, everything has to come to an end eventually. And I think right now - is that time. I enjoyed the finale. I like that the characters are moving forward even though the show isn't. And even though it was sad, I kinda liked that Garcia's the one that's moving on as she was always the one that hated change. It showed growth for her character. 

But did you really have to burn the jet??? I get it. I do. It was time to move forward.

I have one Christmas left where I will get a new DVD and it will be bittersweet. That will be the last time I get a Criminal Minds season and I will cherish it. 

Thank you Criminal Minds for being a part of my life. I will continue watching reruns and remember the good times I had watching every Wednesday. 

Thank you JJ, Reid, Garcia, Prentiss, Rossi, Morgan, Hotchner, Lewis, Alvez, Simmons, Blake, Strauss, Callahan, Greenaway, Lynch (Kevin), Anderson, Will, Walker, Seaver, and Gideon (you're the reason I kept watching). 

Also thank you to all the villains especially Ian Doyle, Peter Lewis aka Scratch, George Foyet, Tobias Hankel, and Frank (I hate that diner because of you). 

And thank you to all the other guest stars over the 15 seasons. 

Without any of you, there wouldn't be a show.  

I will miss you.

Until Next Time
CGoerlich <3 

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