Sunday, September 17, 2017



Hey Everyone!

A few months ago, I received a comment on one of my instagram posts from an Instagram page called yoocandoanything asking if I would like to post my story on their site.

The first thing I did was look at their instagram page and then noticed that they are a site for people with disabilities to share their stories and empower others. I was like "oh this is cool. Let me check out their website." And when I did, I immediately was excited to add my story (called "Roll With It and Never Give Up" to the site.

Yoocan was started by the Gaon family after a young boy named Erez was born in 2008 with a rare disease and complex cognitive & physical disabilities. This brought the family together in many ways but was also hard as they needed to adjust a new way of living. Erez is one of over 1 billion people in the world who are living with some kind of cognitive or physical disability.

They created was created to be the leading empowerment source in the world for ideas, tips, and solutions to make the life of people living with disabilities and more inclusive. The mission is the focus on what people can do and not what they can not do.

Their overall goal is to show the world the amazing things that people with disabilities are doing each and every day: sky diving, running marathons, being Paralympic athletes, etc. They want to reach every person with a disability living around the world.

If you would like to join the yoocan family, you can find them here:
Yoocan Website
Yoocan Instagram
Yoocan Twitter
Yoocan Facebook

I highly recommend joining the family. Also, if you are a parent or a relative of someone with a disability, you can post a story on their behalf (or from your point of view). If you are unsure what to write, make sure you check out the stories that people have already written.

Even if you aren't someone with a disability, you should still follow their Twitter & Instagram pages to see the posts about the awesome things that people with disabilities are doing across the world. On instagram, yoocan features one storyteller each day.

When I first joined the family and followed them on Instagram, they had less than 20,000 followers. Now they have more than 23,000 followers. They also currently have over 1,000 story tellers from over 100 countries.

It's always great to see their posts & stories every day on my feeds and I look forward to it every day. You will too once you click that "follow" or "like" button on each of their pages.

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3

Saturday, July 22, 2017

See You Again - First to THREE Billion Views?

Hey Everyone!

As many of you know, "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa featuring Charlie Puth has taken over the #1 spot on the "Most Watched YouTube Videos" list!  They are now ahead of "Gangnam Style" by Psy which has been #1 for about FIVE years.

Unfortunately, it won't be #1 as long as "Gangnam Style" as "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi featuring Daddy Yankee (Justin Bieber is not in the music video) will be taking that over in no time as they are getting about 25 million views a day.

But it's still a great feat to be able to be #1 at all.

Remember to read my older posts about "See You Again" so you can remember why I'm in such a support for this song and music video:

Song of the Week - Week Three - See You Again
See You Again song Update
See You Again Hits TWO Billion Views

NOW, even though "See You Again" will be back to #2 soon. There is one thing that can still be done for this music video and records. It can be the FIRST music video to hit THREE Billion videos. At the moment, the video is about 52 million views away.

Doing the math, if the video continues to receive about four million views (it has picked up since taking the #1 spot) a day, then it could reach three billion in about 13 days. BUT, with how many views "Despacito" is getting, that can also reach three billion views in about 13 days.

I'm all good with "Despacito" taking the #1 spot because let's face it, it's going to happen no matter what. BUT, we need to try and get "See You Again" to three billion FIRST because again the song has more meaning than other songs that is Top 10 on YouTube.

Remember, any one can relate to the song as everyone has lost a loved one and thinks about seeing them again. So do you think we can get "See You Again" to three billion first???

Make sure you click HERE for the music video and watch the video as many times as you can in a day!! Let's try and get the video to reach at least five millions views a day.

Today is July 22nd. The video could reach three billion on August 4th.

I'll probably post another post when "See You Again" reaches three billion and that may be my last post about that music video.

LET'S DO IT! Go watch it now! 😄

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Old Navy - One Year Later

Hey Everyone!

This is going to be a quick update about something that I have been posting about for almost two years now.  It's been a little over a year since my last update!

About a week ago, I went to Old Navy at Livingston Mall. The same Old Navy that started it all. I am happy to say that there is an improvement in the fitting rooms. If you need a refresher on what I've previously written, the following are the posts I have written:

Old Navy
Old Navy Update
Old Navy Update #2
Old Navy: Trending on Twitter for the Wrong Reasons
Dear Gap Inc. (Old Navy Update #3)

So, again I said that there is an improvement from the previous times I have been there and wrote about it.

What improvements?

Well for one, both accessible fitting rooms were unlocked and empty (meaning - they weren't filled with racks of clothes). One of the rooms was, however, blocked by a rack of clothes but the associate working in the fitting rooms moved the rack out of the way.

There is still more that could be done - like changing around the floor plan in the accessible fitting rooms. Still have a problem being able to look at myself in the mirror (only can see the side of me).

Remember this picture?

Old Navy's accessible fitting room

The fitting room floor plan is still the same and that is one of the main things that I believe still needs to be looked into. We need to be able to see ourselves while we're trying on clothes and to fit in the fitting room because again, what if someone has a power chair???? They may not be able to get their power chair even close to the mirror.

So there were some positives and still a couple negatives but overall, I feel like it's going in the right direction. Thank you to everyone who has followed along in the last couple years. I hope you continue to do so as I'm sure this won't be the last update.

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Thank You to My Public School Teachers

Hey Everyone!

As you all may know, today Betsy DeVos was confirmed as Secretary of Education. There has been many who have been AGAINST the idea of her being the Secretary of Education, me being one of them. Why? Well there are many reasons why.

But the main one is the fact that she doesn't know that the Individual with Disabilities Education Act is a federal law. This post isn't about going on and on at how this decision is not the best decision to be made so please watch the video of Senator Cory Booker's speech on his DeVos Opposition who goes in great detail about students with disabilities.

So what is this post really about? Well you can look at the title. I am writing this to thank all my teachers that I've had while I was in public school from Kindergarten to Senior Year, as well as my college professors.

I have spoken highly of the Township of Union's Board of Education many times. From the very start of my education, I have been included and treated with the same respect as my classmates.

When I raised my hand, I was picked on. When I wanted to take part in gym classes, I did. When my teachers needed to accommodate the classroom in anyway where I can take part, they did. When I had questions about what we were learning, they helped.

For so many years, I knew I was lucky to have grown up in this town but when I got older - I realized just how lucky I was as I heard many students with disabilities don't have the same opportunities in their school district as I did.

To My Teachers,

Thank you. Thank you for always including me in discussions. Thank you for moving desks around to make sure that I can get around the classrooms. Thank you for always picking on me when I raised my hand. Thank you for allowing me to speak in front of the class for speech assignments.

Thank you for letting me lead the class in the hallways (back in elementary school, we walked on the line to go to the next class). Thank you for listening to me when I needed help. Thank you for respecting me as you would any other student.

Thank you for teaching me English, Math, Science, History, Business, Music, different languages, Journalism, and so many more subjects.

Thank you to my gym teachers who always pushed me in gym class. Thank you to my case managers who were always there for me if I needed any new accommodations or needed something changed. Thank you to my guidance counselors for helping me make decisions about my classes and next step in my education.

Thank you to all my classroom assistants who were there for me when I needed help with moving chairs, taking my backpack off the back of the chair, going through the hallways, and so much more. Thank you to all the nurses who helped me when I was sick, needed to take my medications at lunch time, and so much more.

Thank you to my transition coordinator who pushed me to open myself to speak in front of over 200 people. Thank you to all the security guards for making me laugh and for protecting our schools. Thank you for all substitute teachers who filled in for my one-on-ones & our teachers.

Thank you to all the principals who were there if I needed you and to make sure that all students were getting the same respect from our teachers. Thank you to my bus drivers & aides for getting me from home to school and school to home safe & sound.

This is only some of my thank you's to all of you. You all have done so much for me over the years and I wouldn't be the same if I didn't have you all as my support system in school.

No matter what happens in the public education with this new change, just know that you have touched many lives and you will continue to touch more lives.


I would love for every student with a disability to have the same experience as I did. Now all we have to do is wait and see what happens with the new Secretary of Education.

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year!

Hey Everyone!

Happy New Year! It's time for a new year ---> 2017. Hope you all had a great year in 2016 even with the unfortunate amount of deaths that came through the year.

I know I haven't written anything on here for a few months but I wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year and hope you all have a GREAT 2017. I also wanted to let you know that I will try and update more on the blog this year (new goal - write more on here than I did in 2016 = more than 38 posts).

So have no worries, I haven't given up on Wiki-Wheelz and won't stop writing on here. I have a good feeling 2017 is going to be a great year and I will give you more information on exactly why (and what I have planned for the year) I believe that when the time comes.

I am working on something and you will all know about it soon enough. But for now I hope you all had a great Holiday (Christmas, Hanukka, Kwanza, and other holidays) and have a Happy New Year!

Until Next Time

CGoerlich <3