"Write. Remember, people may keep you (or me) from being a published
author but no one can stop you from being a writer.
All you have to do is write. And keep writing.
While you're working at a career, while you're
raising children, while you're trout fishing - keep writing!
No one can stop you from you." - Katherine Neville
For as long as I can remember, I loved to write. Writing is something that always been there. Whether it's writing in a diary (when I was younger), free writing in a notebook (before and after classes), writing stories (novels, Fanfiction, scripts), and other types of writing.
But there's always that one moment where writing wouldn't be there. Or I don't know what to write. So there's that part of me that sometimes thinks about not writing at all. Because I mean, what's the point if there's nothing to write?
But I've been thinking. What's the point? The point is to put words down on paper (or document) to build up something that can maybe become something. The point is to get out of everything that's inside of me (whether it's true or fiction). The point is even if it doesn't make sense, they are still letters that turn into words and mean something. So of course there's a point.
Anything you (I) write means something even if it doesn't turn into something else. It doesn't matter what the words are, they are words that came within yourself (myself) and should be let out. I mean they're eventually coming out - don't need to hold them inside.
So what I have learned is that I need to write. No matter what. Just write. It doesn't matter what I write, I just write. Whether it's just random words, it's still considered writing. So now when I'm stuck with writing or have that thought of not wanting to write, I do it anyways. I open a fresh new document or piece of paper and just start writing.
And you can do that to. Are you having trouble with writing? Are you stuck? Do you want to write but don't know what? Well all you have to do is write. Don't let anything get in the way. If you work, keep a pad in your pocket, then take it out when you have a free moment and just write. If you're watching television - grab your laptop, tablet, phone, or notebook and start writing whether it's about what you're watching or anything else. There is a lot that you can do to keep on writing.
That's all you (I) have to do: Keep on writing. Don't stop for anything. It doesn't have to make sense. It just has to be you (I) doing what you (I) love and that's writing (even if you don't love writing). Everyone writes even if you don't think you do, you do.
So what I'm suggesting for writers and non-writers: Keep on Writing.
Until Next Time
CGoerlich <3
Until Next Time
CGoerlich <3
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